
 Gestims Database

Gestims software works with gestims database a high performant database comparatively with current databases. Gestims database is a new architecture and full protection database more efficient than what you now about databases in global market. Gestims database is a business and a scientific database that gathers many technologic compenents in term of database structure and in term of protection and in term of manipulation and in term of electromagnetic and in term of storage.

Gestims database is employed in many sectors such as industrial sector, satellite or space sector, business sector, robotic sector, artificial intelligence sector, laboratory and pharmaceutical sector, intelligency sector, military sector that offers this gestims database a full protection and full satisfaction in manipulating and in high technology.

Gestims database is a networking database that goes closely with all current networks and furthermore you can add with gestims programming code machine what you need if necessary if a new network protocol comes to world market or a new network device comes to world market.

Gestims database is not basically a sql database but contains all structures of sql database to let users converting their current sql databases to gestims database. Incredibly gestims database is an artificial intelligence structure database that gives to users and developpers more powerfull options and advantages in term of complexity business functions, in term of full protection even in the magnetic field, in term of manipulations, in term of storage, in term of artificial intelligence, in term of electromagnetic circuits, in term of cost and many other valuable features of database structure.

Gestims database works practically in linux, windows, macintosh, android and many other operating system and contains its own platform under binary system.

gestims database
